Weizhi Li 李玮智
Postdoctoral Researcher at ASU
[Google Scholar][CV]

I received my Ph.D. from Arizona State University. I was co-advised by Prof. Visar Berisha and Prof. Gautam Dasarathy. I received my bachelor's degree at Shandong University and my master's degree at Texas A&M University. In the past, I have been fortunate to collaborate with Prof. Xiaoning Qian, and Prof. Jim Ji. My recent research interests include active learning, sequential learning and their clinical applications. Generally, I am obsessed with developing machine learning algorithms with statistical approaches.

Research Works

W. Li, G. Dasarathy, K. Ramamurthy, V. Berisha, “A Label-Efficient Two-Sample Test”, UAI'22. [PDF]

W. Li, G. Dasarathy, K. Ramamurthy, V. Berisha, “Finding the Homology of Decision Boundaries with Active Learning”, NeurIPS'20. [PDF]

W. Li, G. Dasarathy, V. Berisha, “Regularization via Structural Label Smoothing”, AISTATS'20. [PDF]

C. Tsai, W. Li, X. Qian, Y. Lin, “Image Co-saliency Detection and Co-segmentation via Progressive Joint Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 28(1), 56-71. [PDF]

W. Li, "Adaptive Noise-Tolerant Network for Image Segmentation". [PDF]

W. Li, X. Qian, and J. Ji, “Noise-tolerant Deep Learning for Histopathological Image Segmentation”, ICIP'17. [PDF]

L. Wang, X. Zhou, C. Wang, and W. Li "The Effects of Image Dehazing Methods Using Dehazing Contrast-Enhancement Filters on Image Compression", KSII Transactions on Internet & Information Systems, 10(7). [PDF]


ASU Graduate Travel Award, 2020

ASU Graduate Engineering Fellowship, 2019

ASU Graduate Engineering Fellowship, 2018

Winner of the research poster competition in SWE region C conference, 2017

TAMU Graduate Merit Scholarship, 2016

Shandong University 3rd-class Scholarship, 2014


Reviewers for ICML, NeurIPS, AAAI, Transactions on Information Theory etc.